Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Family's New Car

            Ok, so this post isn’t really about a new car, but it was a great way to get your attention. What I really want to write about today was family systems which is why I thought about a car. A car is a culmination of many different systems that make it run. It has the electrical system, the ignition system, and the drive train to name a few. Now you may be asking how is a family like a car? Like what are you talking about? The family is most often referred to as a system with each member having a specific role and working together to accomplish a well running machine as it were. If one part is not doing its job, the system as a whole cannot function.
            One reading that we had this past week that I want to pull from to help explain some of these ideas is from the book “Exploring Family Theories” by Suzanne R. Smith, Raeann R. Hamon, Bron B. Ingoldsby & J. Elizabeth Miller. Let’s look at some of what is said in the book and talk about what is said. “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. A family is much more than a collection of individuals who live together and are related to each other; it has a holistic quality” (Smith, Hamon, Ingoldsby, & Miller, 2008) The family is so much more than just a collection of people who are related living in the same house. Unfortunately, I think that this is the way the world sees that family these days. The family is just people who are related to us that we can maybe come to if we need help, but they provide no real connection (which is a whole other issue). More and more people are living alone recently and don’t have a lot of the family interaction that use to be prominent. I don’t know what I would have done without my family when I needed support when I was miles away in Argentina for almost two years. We need to get back to being holistic and not just a group of people living under the same roof. The family is a system, as mentioned above, and all of the parts have to work together and everyone do their job or the family (system) falls apart.
            Going off of that statement from above that the family members have jobs to perform, in the book, this concept is talked about. “All family members take on roles. Family roles are defined as ‘recurring patterns of behavior developed through interaction that family members use to fulfill family functions’” (Smith, Hamon, Ingoldsby, & Miller, 2008). Each family member has a job or role to play. Think about some roles you have in your own family. Whether you are living with your parents, or if you are newly married, you have roles that you need to do. One of my roles as a husband is to provide for the family. This encompasses having a good job to have money to buy food and things that we need. Another role I will have in a few short weeks is that of a father. That means that I will help to take care of my new son and I’ll probably end up changing most of the diapers. I have to say here that my wife says I also will get to burp him.
            Overall the family system is important and having clearly defined roles helps a family to run the way it was intended. I’m not trying to tell you what to do in your own family, and I know that no family is perfect, but I have seen in my own family the difference it makes when everyone plays their role. The family runs more smoothly.


Smith, S. R., Hamon, R. R., Ingoldsby, B. B., & Miller, J. E. (2008). Exploring Family Theories. Oxford University Press.

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