Saturday, August 31, 2019

So for this week our assignment was to read the entire book of Joshua. I really enjoyed reading this book. I thing I found that I would like to talk about briefly. In Joshua chapter 24, Joshua reminds the Israelites that the Lord has done so many wonderful things for them. He delivered them from Egypt. He gave them manna and quail in the desert. He blessed the 12 tribes throughout the years. He reminded them of everything that God had ever done. Even so, they still forgot and still complained. In some ways we are very much like the Israelites. We often forget that the Lord has done so many wonderful things for us. Sometimes, I know personally that it is hard to remember everything he has done for me. Take some time this week to think of all that Heavenly Father has done for you and take some time to thank him for everything.
Until next week!

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So for this week our assignment was to read the entire book of Joshua. I really enjoyed reading this book. I thing I found that I would like...