Saturday, July 6, 2019

Fatherhood: The Best Reward

            So, this week we talked about another seemingly innocent, but apparently controversial topic. What might that topic be? Fathers. Why is this controversial? Well, Brother Williams once held a series of seminars on Fathers and Fatherhood and there were people who were offended to think that fathers deserved any kind of special recognition. They just go to work and earn money, right? The truth is that they do so much more.
            Fathers make it so the mom can stay home and raise the kids. (Warning: controversial topic ahead) Moms are just naturally better at being nurturers and I think that they should be watching the kids while dad is at work. However, dads should do more than just go to work. I know the first thing I do when I get home from class or work is to spend time with my son. That is the most important thing I could do all day. Sure, work is frustrating and stressful. Traffic was backed up and stop and go for an hour, but dads shouldn’t bring that frustration home. Dads also have a responsibility to raise their children. Studies suggest that kids who have a positive male influence (usually a father) are less likely to be deviant and commit crimes. Dads can be a positive influence in the lives of their children. They should teach them how to ride a bike, fix a flat tire, change the oil on the car, and all those other cliché things that dads do. Dads are just as important in the rearing of their children as moms are. I think that we need to give dads more recognition then they currently have. Sadly, in today’s world, dads are either just to provide money for their families, or they are the guy that the kids see twice a month and provides child support.
            I think that it is so sad that dads don’t receive the recognition they deserve. Yes, there are great people who grew up without a father, but think of how much better they could have been if they did have a father in their life that was a positive influence. I do understand that there are dads out there in the world that don’t do anything in the home and go to work and come home and sit on the couch and that’s it, but there are also really great dads out there who try their best to help to raise their kids and give them the very best.
I know that in my life, I had a pretty great dad. He worked hard every day to provide for our family, and he also took time to spend time with us kids. He took my brothers and I camping all the time and we always had a blast. We would have smores and Pepsi. He took my sisters on “Daddy-daughter” dates and made sure to spend time with them one on one. I hope to be like him and do the same with my kids someday. For now, my son is young and can’t do a lot so I make sure to do what I can with him. Even as I write this blog post, I am holding him to get some quality time today before I go do other things that I have to do. Being a dad is first and foremost the most important thing I can do with my life. To raise children and teach them to be good people and help others is what I want to do with my life. If you are a dad, be the best dad you can be and be sure to spend time with your kids. Let’s give dads all the respect and appreciation that they deserve.

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