Saturday, August 31, 2019

So for this week our assignment was to read the entire book of Joshua. I really enjoyed reading this book. I thing I found that I would like to talk about briefly. In Joshua chapter 24, Joshua reminds the Israelites that the Lord has done so many wonderful things for them. He delivered them from Egypt. He gave them manna and quail in the desert. He blessed the 12 tribes throughout the years. He reminded them of everything that God had ever done. Even so, they still forgot and still complained. In some ways we are very much like the Israelites. We often forget that the Lord has done so many wonderful things for us. Sometimes, I know personally that it is hard to remember everything he has done for me. Take some time this week to think of all that Heavenly Father has done for you and take some time to thank him for everything.
Until next week!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

This week for class we read the entire book of Exodus. Now you may be thinking "That's a long book!" and you would be right. We are fortunate to have the whole week to study it and are encouraged to do so. As I read this week, I had realized that I hadn't read through the whole book since 2011-2012. One particular verse stood out to me while I was reading, and I would like to share it briefly. The scripture that I came across was Exodus 4:12  "Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say". This verse is the Lord talking with Moses and is telling him that he will literally be his mouth piece. The Lord is promising that he will give Moses everything that he needs to succeed in his endeavor. The Lord does the same for us each and every day. He gives us everything we need to get through this life. We don't always get it exactly when we need it and sometimes it is not just handed to us, but we have to work for it. The point is however that we have a loving Heavenly Father who has given us everything we need and is always watching over us.  
Until next week!

Saturday, August 10, 2019

I am back to write some more for my blog. This time, and for the next few weeks, it will be for an Old Testament class I am taking. Each week I will share a little of what I learned from my personal study and from comments by members of my class. This past week I shared a scripture, Genesis 19:26 which reads "But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt". This scripture takes place when Lot and his family are leaving Sodom and Gomorrah. His wife turns back as they are leaving perhaps to get one last look at their home, and in so doing, she turns to salt. This has an application that the past is in the past and that is where it is meant to stay. When she looked back, its like she was looking back at here past sins. We are asked to look forward with an eye of faith and concentrate on Jesus Christ and have faith in his Atonement and that it will heal us of all our sins. Our past sins can be a method of teaching us and to learn from. If we just remember that our Savior is always there for us and that he loves us and that we do not have to dwell on the past, we can move forward and be happy.